Would you ever buy a product on Amazon if you couldn't see any pictures of it?

Would you book a hotel room if the photos of the room were dark and blurry?

PROBABLY NOT? Well... same goes for your personal business and how your dream client may perceive your brand.

When you are the face of your brand, the imagery you use on your website or social medias directly influence the opinion of your potential customers on the professionalism of your company.

The benefits of using branding photography:

  1. Differentiate yourself from your competitors with a signature visual identity that will stick to your prospect's mind.
  2. Showcase your unique personality! As service providers and small business owners, your personality is what can make the difference between you and a competitor selling similar products. Your personality can also push your prospect to impulse buy your products as they will want to support your business endeavours.
  3. Influence the first opinion of your clients on your brand. Do you know the expression " You never get a second chance at making a great first impression"? This is even more true in the digital era when most of your potential buyers will learn about your brand and services by visiting your website or your social medias. Bad quality pictures, in-cohesive colors and using too many selfies can be perceived as a lack of professionalism or in investment in your own brand. Clients may think that the quality of your services will match the quality of your own communication. So great visuals and a cohesive marketing help make that long-lasting first impression and open the door to a possible collaboration.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of professionals who can use branded portraits to boost their business and reach their dream clients:

  • Career and Personal Development coaches
  • Health professionals: physiotherapists, psychologists, cosmetic or dental practitioners...
  • Fitness professionals: yoga teachers, personal trainers, gyms, professional athletes...
  • Artists: painters, musicians, scultors...
  • Freelancers : social media or marketing experts, copywriters, graphic designers, communication agencies...
  • Solo-preneurs of all kind: small business owners, shop owners, interior designers...

BUT ALSO.... all professionals looking to appeal to recruiters, to find their dream job in the Netherlands, to highlight their expertise.

Ready to take the leap AND INVEST IN YOURSELF?

Learn more about my personal branding method here.

Portrait of woman sitting on bench in forest in Amsterdam
Personal branding image of a Woman sitting in pink café in Amsterdam while reading a book.
Portrait photograph of a woman sitting on a bench in front of plants in Amsterdam
Studio portrait of woman wearing a hat sitting on floor next to a chair in Amsterdam
2 woman chatting during a coaching session in nature in the forest in Amsterdam
Personal branding image of woman checking her phone while sitting in pink café in Amsterdam
Portrait photograph of a young men in red leaning against a glass house in Amsterdam
Yoga teacher resting on a yoga mat in Autumn in a park in Amsterdam,
Professional headshot of a woman sitting in front of a computer in World Trade Center of Amsterdam
Studio portrait of woman in white sitting on a chair in Amsterdam,